My Natural Birth Story

My EDD was February 16th 2014. I felt that would give me enough time to set up the nursery area and rest before baby gets here. My last day at work was February 7th and I finished my shift at 9pm. At 2 o’clock in the morning, my water broke. I was excited. I’d meet this little guy growing in me sooner than I thought!

All weekend long my doula came to help bring on contractions but nothing worked– climbing stairs, acupuncture, squatting. I had planned a home birth with my midwife but by Sunday morning she strongly suggested I go to the hospital to get induced. I agreed. I packed my bags and went to the hospital with my doula, sister and her partner.

Things were just surreal. I was going to have this baby today. I couldn’t believe it, even as I put on a hospital gown and signed forms. My aunt showed up. My doula told me to rest after they hooked up me up to the Pitocin. I would need my strength for later, she told me. Nonetheless, I took ‘selfies’ to update everyone on Instagram with my current situation.

Shortly after, contractions began. I would describe them as mildly uncomfortable. I began to feel apprehensive. This was happening. Whether or not I wanted it to, there was no going back. I managed through a few hours of Pitocin-induced contractions easily but each time the nurse jacked up the dosage, the pain intensified. I got through them by focused breathing, my doula squeezing my hips and silent positive affirmations, “I am able. I am strong.”

All was going well. I rocked on a birthing ball, a serious godsent. I ate a Big Mac and dozed off in between contractions. Then, an OB came in at around midnight (I was induced at 6pm). to see how dilated I was. She remarked I was doing well on my own, and didn’t offer me pain meds. Then, she broke the rest of my waters which left me howling like a banshee. (Well I need them now, lady, thanks to you!!) I lost control of my contractions and vomited everywhere and on everyone and went through several painful contractions before I realized they weren’t going back to being relatively painless. I was 5cm dilated.

The next 3 hours flew. I was shy and modest when I arrived at the hospital, now I was naked and groaning and swearing. These contractions, though I was able to breathe through them, took every ounce of my strength. The contractions were never painful in a sense they were hurting me but that it was a sensation that took over my entire body and mind. It required the utmost attention and focus to get through these. My doula told me I was transitioning. I laboured in the shower with my doula pouring hot water over me, and on the medicine ball. I was about done with the contractions when the nurse, the OB, my midwife, the backup midwife and student midwife strode in along with my family group. I was put up on the bed and told to hold my legs back and push. Boy, was I scared.

This was the toughest part. Switching from managing the contractions to letting go and pushing. It was 3:00am. I gave a feeble push. Everyone was yelling PUSH!! And for some reason, I began shouting so loud everyone in the ward could hear. One push, the head was out. Two more pushes and the body. I did not feel any burning sensations or pain when my baby came out. He was immediately placed on my chest and let out a loud, lusty cry. I couldn’t believe I had just birthed this baby naturally. The adrenaline rush afterwards was unbelievable. My son weighed 6lbs and 14 ounces and was born at 3:45am. I was home in bed at 7:00an, still marveling over the turbulent turn of events. It is and always will be, the proudest moment of my life.

4 thoughts on “My Natural Birth Story

  1. “The contractions were never painful in a sense they were hurting me but that it was a sensation that took over my entire body and mind.” – this is a great way of explaining it!!
    LOL, it cracked me up when you said you ate a Big Mac during labor! Great birth story. 😀

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